
Write TypeScript packages with optionally zero configuration.

ts-engine does not require any configuration by default. However you can optionally customise some configuration.


You can optionally provide a .babelrc or babel.config.js file. It will be automatically picked up and applied. You can either provide your own config completely or extend ts-engine's default Babel preset.

module.exports = {
  presets: ["@ts-engine/babel-preset"],
  // your config goes here


You can optionally provide a jest.config.js file. It will be automatically picked up and applied.

jest.setup.ts or jest.setup.js can optionally be provided. It will be automatically applied to setupFilesAfterEnv in Jest config. If both jest.setup.ts and jest.setup.js are found then only jest.setup.ts is applied.


You can optionally provide a .eslintrc or .eslintrc.js. It will be automatically picked up and applied. You can either provide your own config completely or extend ts-engine's default ESLint configuration.

  "extends": "@ts-engine/eslint-config",
  "rules": {
    // your rules go here

ts-engine does not require an ESLint config file to be present in order to lint your code, however to get IDE hints you may want to add the above .eslintrc file to the root of your repository.


Prettier is supported out the box. No need to install it or even add a config file if you are happy with the default configuration. If you provide .prettierrc then it will automatically be applied.