CLI reference
Building code
tse build src/index.ts
# build multiple files
tse build src/index.ts src/test-utils/test-harness.ts
# minify output
tse build --minify src/index.ts
# emit type declaration files
tse build --emit-types src/index.ts
# skip typechecking
tse build --skip-typecheck src/index.ts
# watch for changes
tse build --watch src/index.ts
# bundle external dependencies
tse build --bundle src/index.ts
# define output type, cjs or esm
tse build --output cjs src/index.ts
tse build --output esm src/index.ts
# define output file extension
tse build --ext .cjs.js src/index.ts
Running tests
tse test
# options are forwarded onto Jest as if you were using it directly
tse test --coverage
tse test --watch
Linting project
# lint all files using a glob
tse lint .
# lint a directory
tse lint src
# fix fixable lint issues
tse lint --fix src
Running a file
tse run src/index.ts
# pass ts-engine options before the file you want to run
tse run --watch src/index.ts
# pass your app options after the file you want to run
tse run src/index.ts --port 3000
# watch for changes
tse run --watch src/index.ts
# minify output
tse run --minify src/index.ts
# skip typecheck
tse run --skip-typecheck src/index.ts
# bundle external dependencies
tse run --bundle src/index.ts